HTMX and Webflows Javascript.

So when using HTMX and webflow we need to re-establish webflows javascript library.

This is because when we load a new element into the page webflow has already initiated it's javascript library and the new element cannot register events. So thanks to finsweet we can reinitialise those events on htmx load.

Look at the open panel code. you can do the same with Webflows native attributes (unless from a cms)

And the Panel page.

All the code needed is in the Head and close Body of the page. However here are the links

Installing HTMX

The finsweet utility to restart

<script type="module">
 // Import the @finsweet/ts-utils library
 import * as finsweettsUtils from '';

 // Function to restart Webflow interactions
 function handleRestartWebflow() {
   try {
     console.log('restartWebflow called successfully');
   } catch (error) {
     console.error('Error calling restartWebflow:', error);

 // Add an htmx:load event listener to the htmx element
 document.getElementById('zone2').addEventListener('htmx:load', function() {
   // Call the restartWebflow function when the htmx element loads